Julie “Brain Lady” Anderson in connection with Your Best Mind, LLC is excited to announce two collaborative coauthored book projects for 2016!
“Think Positive, Be Positive, and Positive Things Will Happen!”
This book is designed to share lessons and positive stories from individuals that are known for and live their life surrounded with a positive attitude and mindset.
The goal of this book is to encourage and inspire all readers to create a more positive mindset and therefore have more success and joy in their lives, relationships, and businesses.
If you feel that you have a story or tools to create positivity please listen to one of our calls or fill out the application for consideration for inclusion in this AMAZING book!
“Triumph Over Tragedy!”
In this book authors will share their real life experience of how they triumphantly overcame a challenge, upset, or tragedy in their lives.
They will share their wisdom and success with the readers to truly inspire others to take on and move through and then past their own challenges.
If you have an inspirational real life experience that you would love to share and feel would inspire others than please consider becoming a coauthor in this life changing book.